Results for 'Brendan Patrick Quigley'

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  1. Patrick Masterson, The Sense of Creation. [REVIEW]Brendan Sweetman - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (3):710-713.
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    Book briefly noted.David Lamb, Sadhbh O' Neill, Alan P. F. Sell, Patrick Gorevan, Feargal Murphy & Brendan Purcell - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5 (1):138 – 146.
    Introducing Applied Ethics Edited by Brenda Almond, Blackwell, 1995. Pp. 375. ISBN 0-631-19389-8. 45.00 (hbk), 14.99 (pbk). Environmental Ethics Edited by Robert Elliot, Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 255. ISBN 9-19-875144-3. 9.95 (pbk) Medicine and Moral Reasoning Edited by K.W.M. Fulford, Grant Gillett and Janet Martin Soskice Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 207. ISBN 0-521-45325-9 37.50 (hbk), 12.95 (pbk). Enlightenment and Religion. Rational Dissent in Eighteenth-century Britain Edited by Knud Haakonssen, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xii + 348. ISBN 0-521-56060-8. (...)
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    Cancer genetics: consultants? perceptions of their roles, confidence and satisfaction with knowledge.Siobhan McCann, Domhnall MacAuley, Yvonne Barnett, Brendan Bunting, Aoife Bradley, Lisa Jeffers & Patrick J. Morrison - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):276-286.
  4. Suffering as a cipher of transcendence.Brendan Purcell - 2019 - In Fran O'Rourke & Patrick Masterson (eds.), Ciphers of transcendence: essays in philosophy of religion in honour of Patrick Masterson. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press.
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    D. Z. Phillips on Christian Belief, Immortality, and Resurrection.Brendan Sweetman - 2014 - Philosophia Christi 16 (1):57-80.
    This paper is a critical reflection and response to the religious fideism of D. Z. Phillips, and especially to recent attempts to defend this fideism. Over the course of his career, Phillips argued for a number of interesting but quite dramatic theses about religious belief, including the claim that what is sometimes called the propositional nature of religious belief is frequently misunderstood by philosophers, and that this misunderstanding involves a distortion of what religious believers are doing when they say they (...)
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    Book Review: The Accountable Animal: Justice, Justification, and Judgment by Brendan Case. [REVIEW]Patrick Haley - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (4):846-849.
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    Body-Self Dualism in Contemporary Ethics and Politics by Patrick Lee and Robert P. George. [REVIEW]Brendan Sweetman - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (3):607-610.
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    The God Who Is Beauty: Beauty as a Divine Name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite. By Brendan Thomas Sammon. Pp. ix, 391, Cambridge, James Clarke, 2014, $44.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (2):371-372.
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    Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East, Patrick Milton, Michael Axworthy, and Brendan Simms (New York: Oxford University Press 2019), 176 pp., $39.95 cloth, $38.99 eBook. [REVIEW]Raslan Ibrahim - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (1):114-116.
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  10. Popper's Analysis of Probability in Quantum Mechanics.Patrick Suppes - 1974 - In P. A. Schlipp (ed.), The Philosophy of Karl Popper (Book Ii). Open Court. pp. 760-774.
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    A moral vision for transhumanism.Patrick D. Hopkins - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 19 (1):3-7.
    All worldviews have some sort of moral vision for why and how they pursue their goals, though these moral visions may be more or less explicitly stated. Transhumanism is no different, though sometimes people forget that transhumanism is not the alien dream of a posthuman mind but is instead a very human ideology driven by very human interests and moral ideals. In this paper, I lay out some of those ideals in very general terms, advocating a high-minded moral vision for (...)
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  12. Synonymy and Intra-Theoretical Pluralism.Patrick Allo - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):77-91.
    The starting point of this paper is a version of intra-theoretical pluralism that was recently proposed by Hjortland [2013]. In a first move, I use synonymy-relations to formulate an intuitively compelling objection against Hjortland's claim that, if one uses a single calculus to characterise the consequence relations of the paraconsistent logic LP and the paracomplete logic K3, one immediately obtains multiple consequence relations for a single language and hence a reply to the Quinean charge of meaning variance. In a second (...)
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    On non-abelian C-minimal groups.Patrick Simonetta - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 122 (1-3):263-287.
    We investigate the structure of C-minimal valued groups that are not abelian-by-finite. We prove among other things that they are nilpotent-by-finite.
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  14. Can there be a normative Philosophy of Education?Patrick Suppes - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Idealism, Multiculturalism, and the Critical Race Theory Legacy.Patrick Anderson - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (1):147-156.
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    11 september and the 's[ublime]' word.Patrick Hutchings - 2002 - Sophia 41 (1):71-72.
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    Forgiving and Forbearing Punishment.Patrick Lenta - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):201-214.
    Most philosophers who have expressed a view about whether forgiveness is compatible with forgivers’ continuing to punish, or support the punishment of, people who have wronged them hold that forgiveness is compatible with punishing or favouring punishment of wrongdoers. I argue that whether forgiveness entails forbearing punishment depends on which of two senses of forgiveness is operative. On the first, sentiment-based sense of forgiveness as consisting essentially in a change of heart on the part of a victim, a victim can, (...)
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    PHIL 475-01, Process Philosophy, Fall 2007.Patrick A. Shade - unknown
    This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.
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    The Politics of Hope and Optimism: Rorty, Havel and the Democratic Faith of John Dewey.Patrick Deneen - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (2).
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    How Should Humanity Steer the Future?Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster & Zeeya Merali (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The fourteen award-winning essays in this volume discuss a range of novel ideas and controversial topics that could decisively influence the course of human life on Earth. Their authors address, in accessible language, issues as diverse as: enabling our social systems to learn; research in biological engineering and artificial intelligence; mending and enhancing minds; improving the way we do, and teach, science; living in the here and now; and the value of play. The essays are enhanced versions of the prize-winning (...)
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    Recent Developments in Health Law.Eric Benson, Brendan Hickey & Katherine Wong - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (2):329-339.
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    Electroconvulsive shock and inhibition: Some problems considered.Donald J. Lewis & Brendan A. Maher - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):388-392.
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    Evidentness, Justification, and Belief.Patrick Rysiew - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty (ed.), Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 207.
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    General Dynamic Dynamic Logic.Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman & Fenrong Liu - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 239-260.
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  25. Affects and passions.Patrick R. Frierson - 2014 - In Alix Cohen (ed.), Kant's Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Refereeing in 1997.Patrick Baert, Brian Baigrie, Stanley Barrett, Pascal Boyer, Michael Chiarello, R. H. Coase, Lorraine Code, Wes Cooper, Timothy M. Costelloe & Robert D’Amico - 2000 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30 (3):480.
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    Realism versus pragmatism – an introduction.Patrick Baert - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (1):1-2.
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    Mesure du sol et géométrie au Moyen Âge.Patrick Gautier Dalché & Armelle Querrien - 2016 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 82 (1):97-139.
    Au Moyen Âge, les rapports entre savoirs théorique et pratique dans la mesure des champs sont difficiles à appréhender. L’article examine d’une part l’évolution de la géométrie depuis les premiers traités de l’époque carolingienne jusqu’à l’apparition de la geometria practica, puis l’évolution de ce dernier genre, d’autre part la pratique effective des mesureurs telle qu’on la reconstitue à partir d’une documentation évasive. On observe que les techniques de mesure ne relèvent jamais de la géométrie savante, euclidienne ou pratique, malgré les (...)
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    Nature and Nature’s God.Patrick FitzGerald Hutchings - 2006 - Sophia 45 (1):1-4.
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    Words Mis-taken.Patrick FitzGerald Hutchings - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2):3-3.
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    Reflections: Education and our shared future.Patrick M. Jenlink - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):253 – 256.
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    La pensée en souffrance: Pour sortir du nihilisme.Patrick Kabakdjian - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Il s'agit d'un travail consacré à Heidegger en tant que ce dernier s'est donné pour tâche de frayer le chemin menant à une pensée post-métaphysique. C'est cette pensée qui est caractérisée comme "pensée en souffrance" au double sens de pensée à venir, qui n'est pas comme telle programmable et à laquelle il s'agit seulement de se préparer, et de pensée cherchant à répondre à l'attente d'une humanité soumise à la dévastation et en recherche de salut. Françoise Dastur a salué ce (...)
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  33. L'entrexpression charnelle : Pour une lecture du Visible et l'invisible.Patrick Leconte - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    La notion de chair s’élabore chez Merleau-Ponty, à l’encontre du primat husserlien du toucher, dans l’articulation du toucher et du voir. C’est par cette articulation, ce recouvrement l’un par l’autre des champs sensoriels que Merleau-Ponty peut penser la chair comme chair du monde, élément de l’Être. L’auto-appréhension charnelle doit se comprendre d’abord selon une visibilité errante, dans la transitivité des regards qui se voient et s’échangent le paysage commun de leurs vues. Mais, remontant au cœur même de ce « transitivisme (...)
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    The coming of age of ventralising homeobox genes in amphibian development.Patrick Lemaire - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (9):701-704.
    The emerging view of early dorso‐ventral patterning of amphibian embryos is that two opposing gradients of dorsalising and ventralising secreted factors are necessary. while several transcription factors acting upstream or downstream of the dorsalising molecules have been identified, until recently little was known about the transcriptional response to ventralising signals. Now two groups describe the identification of related homeodomain proteins, Xvent‐1 and Vox, which are able to convert dorsal cells of Xenopus embryos into more ventral ones(1,2).
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    The purposes of torture.Patrick Lenta - 2006 - South African Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):48-61.
    No. South African Journal of Philosophy Vol. 25(1) 2006: 48-61.
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    Money and the early greek mind: Homer, philosophy, tragedy by Richard Seaford.Patrick Madigan - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (4):622–623.
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    Drawing and shooting: Causality in depiction.Patrick Maynard - 1985 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (2):115-129.
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  38. Portraits as displays.Patrick Maynard - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (1):111 - 121.
    Cynthia Freeland’s investigation of four kinds of ‘fidelity’ in portraiture is cut across by more general philosophical concerns. One is about what might be called the expression of persons--the persons or ‘inner selves’ of portrait subjects and of portrait artist: whether either is possible across each of the four kinds of fidelity, and whether these two kinds of expression are in tension. More fundamental is the problem of telling how self-expression is at all possible in any of these forms. Finally, (...)
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    Proceedings of the ALSC (1995 Convention).Patrick Henry - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):7-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Proceedings of the ALSC (1995 Convention)Patrick HenryGiven the oppressively politicized character of academic literary studies today, it took courage and conviction to found a new literary society in 1994. The Association of Literary Scholars and Critics is dedicated to the study of literature as a source of pleasure and insight. This would be banal were it not for the way in which culture wars, identity politics, and race (...)
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    An unpublished lecture by Leibniz on the greeks as founders of rational theology: Its relation to his "universal jurisprudence".Patrick Riley - 1976 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 14 (2):205-216.
  41. The leading idea in Montague's philosophy.Patrick Romanell - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (21):619-624.
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    A Community of Inquiry.Patrick Shade - 2008 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 36 (107):29-32.
  43. Introduction.Patrick Baker - 2017 - In Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    Human Embryonic Stem Cell (HESC) Research in Malaysia: Multi-faith Perspectives.Patrick Foong - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (3):182-206.
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    Care as untranslatable.Patrick Ffrench - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    Care has become an overdetermined word in the medical humanities and beyond, a focus not only of debate around the nature and purpose of the field, but also of the wider issue of the status of medicine in relation to society and the individual. As a symptom of this problematic, this article proposes care as an ‘untranslatable’, in the sense defined by Barbara Cassin. This is pursued via an engagement with the history of the ethics of care and with its (...)
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    Owner's manual for the mind.Patrick Andries - 2016 - Huntsville, AR: Ozark Mountain Publishing.
    We have a certain fascination with the incredible untapped potential of our minds. Some studies once suggested that we use only 10% of the mind's capacity. Today that estimate has been revised to about 2%-3%. Imagine what more we could do with all of that as yet unrealized potential. What is standing in our way? How do we move into a more full realization of who we are? These are the questions that this book seeks to answer.
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    Derek Walcott ou le divin au cœur des ténèbres.Patrick A. B. Anthony - 2000 - Pierre D'Angle 6:109-122.
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  48. Social sciences and the democratic ideal : from technocracy to dialogue.Patrick Baert, Helena Matens Jerónimo & Alan Shipman - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel (ed.), The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Themes in Speculative Psychology.Patrick K. Bastable - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:282-282.
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    Design, Development and Decisions.Patrick Bateson - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4):635-646.
    Evolutionary ideas and modern biological knowledge have important roles to play in the understanding of human behaviour. Nevertheless, it is deeply misleading to regard humans as robots in the grip of their genes. A well designed brain should respond to the consequences of behaviour; if an understanding of the likely consequences can be achieved without actually performing the act, then a person who knows that they will be rewarded or punished for certain acts is bound to be influenced by that (...)
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